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По умолчанию Arial Times New Roman
Межбуквенное расстояние
По умолчанию Большое Огромное

The meeting between Sergei Lukashevich, the recently appointed Ambassador of Belarus to Brazil and Oleg Bytsko, General Director of BKM Holding took place at BKM Holding. During the appointment they discussed the development of trade and economic relations between Belarus and Brazil.

Brazil is one of the twenty biggest trade partners of Belarus. GDP of Brazil is $ 1.3 trillion and a population of Brazil is 211 million. Sergei Lukashevich noted that Belarusian enterprises could offer their products for this market.

Sergei Lukashevich was appointed Ambassador of Belarus to Brazil on the 20th of September. Earlier he headed the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Spain.

Sergei Lukashevich is well acquainted with the production of BKM holding before meeting: when he was the embassy counselor of the Republic of Belarus in Spain he often visited the company with representatives of the Spanish business community, organized return visits and was actively involved in the promotion of BKM Holding equipment in the foreign market.