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По умолчанию Большое Огромное
12/16/2024 12:23:00 pm

The prizes go to photographers from Minsk, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

11/29/2024 12:13:00 pm

On 29 November 2023, the Belarusian electric bus E433 Vitovt Max II Electro was handed over to the State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans for permanent operation.

11/28/2024 02:25:00 pm

Belarus offers not only electric passenger vehicles, but also a network of charging infrastructure organised according to the ‘smart city’ principle.

11/15/2024 07:42:00 pm

The parties discussed the prospects of cooperation on the development of transportation infrastructure of the capital of the Philippines, as well as the cities of Cebu and Davao.

11/15/2024 03:32:00 pm

The international economic forum “Russia - Ethiopia: No Time to Wait” was held in Addis Ababa from November 12 to 14.

10/25/2024 02:22:00 pm

The participants summarised the results of the year and outlined promising areas for further development of the transport industry.

10/25/2024 02:13:00 pm

St. Petersburg Governor and Prime Minister of Belarus visited the exposition of the Belarusian machine-building industry.

10/24/2024 05:16:00 pm

BKM Holding presented an articulated electric bus E433 Vitovt at the Sirius Autodrom in Sochi.

10/08/2024 09:41:00 am

Since 1 October the cars started to run in the central part of the city.